
Contact on LinkedIn

Note: I'm using generic names for these links so this page doesn't show up in search results for them.


Interactive tours:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Class/Fun Projects

Python Mapping - West US volacanos and world population. Used folium and pandas to create an interactive map. Loaded in .txt and Json data. 7-22

Python Capitals Mapping - US Capitals. Used folium and pandas to create an interactive map of US capitals. Loaded in .csv and Json data. Used chatGPT and code from above to create the html. 7-22

React Website and Backend - Udemy React Class Project 2 React class project with tranisitions and database on firebase. 6-22
Code on Github

Some older projects

San Diego Automotive Museum Mural Tiles - I programmed the tile widget here that shows who donated for tiles. I also made the back-end which allows them to edit the tiles and enter names for multiple tiles at the same time. It keeps a total for the fuel gage goal. It didn't have to hit 100% of the tiles for the goal. Also I didn't do the rest of the html. Just the widgets.

Tone Secrets - I made this for a friend back when people still used DVDs.

RockingTheCountryMusic - I made this for the country band I was in at the time. (around 2010)